The Solar Site, (site 2)
This site is located on the same side of the moraine about 480 meters further south from the figure of the Sea Goddess. At this point the trend of the “moraine” turns about 20 degrees more to the west. There is an area of tumble-down rocks that extend from the top of the moraine to the arroyo level. Just past this is the start of the Solar site.

If you look up some 20 meters you will see the first figure. This figure will still be in the shade when the Sea Goddess first gets direct sunlight in the early afternoon. Figure is slightly to the left of the camera lens flare.
Photo Solar 01 by author

This is an anthropomorph figure about 2 meters high, facing the viewer in the arroyo, that looks like a traffic cop. Its right arm is straight out to the side and forearm bent up vertical. The right hand has six fingers. The left arm and forearm is pointing straight out to the south and seems to be indicating the direction to the location of the items in the Solar site. There seems to be a bulge in the elbow area of the left arm. The feet are placed on the lower cleft in the rock
Photo Solar 03 by author

The next items you’ll see are about 22 meters to the right and slightly below the level of the figure. to get a clear view of them, you’ll have to climb up the rock face a bit.
Two objects, that might represent comets, about 3 meters apart, on two different planes of rock, about 15cms circular shape each with two somewhat rectangular areas extending upwards at about the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock positions, these extensions are about 8cms wide and 15cms long and are pecked in their interior space.
The pecking is similar to the pecking around the limbs of the Sea Goddess. Of course, gentle reader, the figures may have absolutely nothing to do with a solar event, they may depict rain falling from clouds into a water hole or poor reception in a 1950’s era rabbit ear TV. There are other glyphs of turtles and fish present too.
About 7 meters further south and at about the same height you’ll find the next figures.

Two objects, each clearly (to me) representing the Moon in its first phase, with the meniscus facing up, about 1.2 meters apart on the same panel, and about 15cms in diameter, the outline very clearly pecked and a clear non-pecked interior. In the enhanced photo, underneath the left moon, close to the bottom of the rock surface there seems to be three small very faint anthropomorph figures about 20cm high. Underneath the right moon there seems to be a faint figure of an outlined turtle. There are also faint fish on this panel.

A short distance more to the right, say 3 meters, (south) and lower down on the cliff face closer to the falda you’ll find the next figure.

An anthropomorph figure about 1 meter high with both arms raised. No sexual organs evident. Figure is fully pecked. There are six toes on the right foot, four on the left.
Photo Solar 07 by author

There is a rock fissure crossing the figure and where the right arm is, it curves slightly. The right arm follows this fissure. There are two more horizontal rock fissures that are incorporated into the figure. There is a fish figure fully pecked with head up, under the right arm. No other detail is evident even when enhancing the photo.
Photo Solar 07_ac_yuv
About 4 meters further south and slightly higher than the anthropomorph on a plane slightly angled to the south, are the next figures.

Two objects, the first looks like a candy cane or walking cane that might represent a comet with its tail. The long part of the tapering tail is to the right and vertically down and the complete figure is about 70cms long with the interior fully pecked.
Photo Solar 10 by author

Immediately to the right of the candy cane is a semicircular figure that may represent the eclipse, or partial eclipse of a heavenly body. The figure is about 10cms in diameter, the meniscus pointing down and the chord formed by the meniscus drawn in. There are other glyphs of fish in the area.
Photo Solar 10a by author

In this panel on the right is what looks like a rather bulbus turtle with interior fully pecked. In the middle is perhaps a seal of some kind. On the left is. . . ?
Photo is Solar 11 by author

In the rocks making up the Falda at this site is this glyph. A heavily patinated figure, probably a fish, with 5 horizontal, parallel lines, equally spaced, transversing the figure. This is in the ‘Ancient’ style with all the pecked lines very deep. There is a faint glyph of a zoomorph lower on the panel in the later Cochimi style.
Photo Solar 13 by author
Perhaps the best way to view the objects in the Solar Site is to first find the Traffic Cop anthropomorph from a vantage point in the arroyo below, then continue walking south for say, 100 meters staying in the arroyo till you see the image of the comet with a tail (or candy-cane) then climb up the falda for a closer look. After looking at the candy cane, move to the left or north to find the other objects. The other objects can not be seen from the arroyo as brush and trees limits visibility.
This ends the Solar portion of the site. About 100 meters further south a fence crosses the arroyo.
There are many other petroglyphs in the immediate area but no visible paint.